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Maintain Your Microfibres

Maintain Your Microfibres

Maintain Your Microfibres

23rd June 2022 • Sam Gibbons • Other

Have you experienced fast degrading microfibres that don't perform as they should? Drying towels that don't dry? General purpose towels that don't absorb or feel soft any more? You might be maintaining your towels wrong!

Time: 60 minutes
Difficulty: 1/10
Today's Vehicle: Fisher & Paykel :)

Products Used:
- ValetPRO Microfibre Reviver

Microfibre towel maintenance is super easy once you know the do's and dont's. Microfibre towels do have a 'shelf life' in the sense that eventually your drying towels will stop absorbing so well and some of your higher quality plush towels will also feel worse over time - but this should take quite some time when buying quality items. We've started with a quick do's and dont's list below - and a full guide further down the page...

Wash using a cold cycle
Dry using a delicate cycle
Seperate your towels by use
Pre-soak very dirty towels
Use a dedicate microfibre detergent

Use fabric softener or bleach
Use powdered detergent
Use hot cycles to wash or dry
Leave towels drying in the hot sun
Mix absorbing & repelling towels

Click on the photos in this guide for an enlarged view.



1) Start by preparing your microfibre towels for a machine wash. It's crucial to seperate your towels by usage. The main thing to remember is that you do not want to mix towels that absorb (for example a drying towel) with towels that have repelled (for example one used to wipe off wax). It's also important to seperate out very dirty towels from 'somewhat' clean ones.

Once the towels are seperated you should pre-soak any very dirty towels with a small amount of microfiber reviver for up to 3 hours.

2) Once you have seperated and pre-soaked any towels necessary it is time to wash them! We recommend using the following settings:

  • Heavy Duty/Long Wash Cycle
  • Cold Water Temperature
  • Fast Spin Speed

Use the recommended amount of Microfibre Reviver for the load size you have; adjusting to suit. We recommend between 40ml to 80ml. Start the wash cycle and wait for it to finish!

3) Once the wash cycle has completed we recommend using a dryer as long as it has a cold/air dry cycle. You do not want to use heat on microfibre towels at any point of the process.

Heat during the wash or dry process can melt down the fibres which can reduce absorbtion and leave the towels feeling coarse.

After drying; inspect your towels and repeat the process for each type until you have clean and maintained towels!

Extra Notes

  • If you don't have a washing machine or drying to use then you can follow the same general rules above with a hand wash process or line dry process. Simply avoid heat and be thorough with your process.
  • If you don't have Microfibre Reviver make sure to use a neutral liquid based detergent as an alternative; even a small amount of dishwash liquid can be an alternative.
  • You can follow the same steps above for washing your wash mitts.


UCC Final Notes:
Microfibre towels do have a longevity, so while this guide will seriously help how long your towels will last and perform - it's worth noting that eventually you may need to throw away and replace your towels/mitts.

All you need to complete this guide is ValetPRO Microfibre Reviver; linked below. We love educating and assisting our customers - so for all other enquiries or help with other projects you have please don't hesitate to get in touch on our contact page.

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